Exploring the Connection Between Science and Faith

about this website

the purpose of this website is to provide resources & AI tools for:

  • people who are sceptical about the historical accuracy of the Bible

  • People who are on their own journey of digging deeper into the Bible for themselves.

On the JCtRL platform you will find:

  • links to the Bible and various resources that I have found to be engaging and thought provoking on topics of Christianity, History, Philosophy, and western culture.

  • access to our large language model ai bible assistants for interrogating the information that sparks your interest or to help you explore further into what the root meaning of a word is in Aramaic.

  • a blog for addressing topics or specific challenges i faced when evaluating the truth of The Bible:

    • is the Bible just a bunch of old stories used to start wars? or is it the most incredible story of love for humanity?

    • What about all the other religions? are they all equal? or is there one ultimate truth that includes everyone?

    • what about how advanced our science is getting, does that mean god isn’t real or needed? Or are we able to do science because God provided us the framework?

If you’re like me and have grown up in a western culture that was founded on Christianity, but have always thought it was just a myth and a way for your parents and society to control you, then you might be interested in this site…

After the past few years of chaos around the world I began to dig deeper into the Bible and values that our civiliastion was founded on and discovered I was wrong about so much…

slowly but surely i began to identify links between the secular science and philosphical ways of thinking and appraoching topics and the rules of nature and life provided to us in within the word of god, the bible. I realised that science is here for us to explore the wonders that He has created.

as i continued deeper into the word and historical and scientific research on god, creation, and the life, death and resurection of jesus christ is true and that he is not a fictional character and I have come to believe in him, a follower of Jesus Christ.

The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Proverbs 1:7

The purpose of this website is to compile my research and resources in a coherant way so that He might use it to help others come to know the Glory and Majesty of our God, who created the Heavens and the Earth, and loves humanity so much that He sacrificed His Son that we might live!

I pray that the Lord will use this website to further His kingdom, so that more will come to know His ultimate Love.

The Bible is true and historically accurate…

Jesus Christ is not fictional character…

He died AND rose again…


Want to know more about tHE bIBLE?


in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 

He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

John 1:1-5

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